Singing Guide: Post Malone & The Weeknd

Singing Guide: Post Malone & The Weeknd

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Singing like Post Malone and The Weeknd

Singing like Post Malone

Post Malone adds depth and emotion to his vocals by using vocal fry. To sing like him, try incorporating vocal fry into your singing. Additionally, make use of melisma, by singing multiple notes on a single syllable. Singing Carrots offers resources like vocal range test, pitch accuracy test, vocal pitch monitor, and pitch training for developing vocal skills necessary for singing like Post Malone.

Singing like The Weeknd

The Weeknd uses falsetto to create a unique and emotional sound. To sing like him, work on developing your falsetto technique. Additionally, use vibrato - where the pitch of the voice fluctuates - to achieve his unique style. Singing Carrots provides tools like vocal range test, pitch accuracy test, vocal pitch monitor, pitch training, and singing course to help develop your falsetto and vibrato.


Improving your singing skills to achieve the styles of Post Malone and The Weeknd requires dedicated training and practice. The resources provided by Singing Carrots including vocal range test, pitch accuracy test, vocal pitch monitor, and pitch training for both artists can help you achieve this.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.